Lockdown learning

Week 10 of lockdown and I have got used to this way of working from home. Teaching the kids has been interesting. My eldest was angry and sad. Confused at all of the work she had put in to National 5 exams that would no longer happen. This demotivated her and she has not been keen to do much. The youngest has enjoyed the journey and misses school but has really done well adapting to on-line learning.

My own work has not changed apart from it’s virtual. I really like teaching editing and Moving image education from home as in some ways its a better platform. I’ve taught editing to women in America, Artists in Fife and next week I have a session in Edinburgh and I don’t have to leave the house.

Covid 19 has changed the way I work forever and some of it for the better 😍.

For editing training in Avid / Adobe packages and Phone editing please e mail s.stroud@nescol.ac.uk
